We have specialised as agents for aeronautical engineers, expert- and executive-positions and staff.
From the beginning, Bishop GmbH has concentrated on top-specialists in complex areas:
System Development and Construction
Aircraft Static Analyses, Aerodynamics, Load- and Systems Development. Only aircraft engineers with at least 20 years experience will be employed by Bishop GmbH.
The Bishop GmbH Company offers specialists from the areas:
• Aircraft Static Analysis (specialized in the field of: Interior Static Report)
• Aircraft Systems Development
• Aircraft Loads Development
• Aircraft Fatigue & Damage Tolerance
• Aircraft Aerodynamics (specialized in the field of: Sealing and Acoustic)
• Aircraft Cabin Security Development
• Aircraft Special Branch: i.e. FSAS (Flexible Seat Arrangement System)
IT Service and CAD-Systems
New challenges and projects require the best possible specialists. Aeronautical experts of the Bishop GmbH have helped develop the Airbus A 318, A 380 and A 400 systems, and are now working on new projects for the Airbus GmbH.
CAD Systems and FEM Tools:

Complete Assignment Assistance
Are you looking for all-round support?
Projects: We can accept complete projects covering both Design and Manufacturing. Via our Network of Global Partnerships, Agreements and Co-operations, we can offer you a hand-picked, high-quality and cost-effective solutions to your projects.
Supplier Management
Should you be a Supplier, or a Costumer, we have extensive expertise in the management and administration of Suppliers. For further information contact, Dipl.-Ing. Blankenburg, Tel: +49-(40)-866258-15 or simply request a copy of our document titled: Bishop GmbH Supplier Management Leaders.
We offer following services:
• Supply of contract staff through AÜG or Werkvertrag
• Headhunting for top experts and specialists
• Special service (suggested by you)
• Overall engineering project magagement
Aviation related activities
Bishop GmbH offers services to aviation related organisations for administrational, strategic and legislative support and air traffic control activities.
In addition, our exceptional aviation experts are able to conduct and support studies and analysis in following fields:
– Special service (suggested by you)
– Overall engineering project magagement
Business models
We are active in the Aviation, Space, Wind Energy, Automotive and Maritime Industrial Sectors. The Bishop GmbH has 5 business models, offering the following services:
1. Recruitment: Hire of temporary staff (mainly Expert level), in accordance with the local prevailing – for example AÜG in Germany
2. Work Packages: The customer defines a task, for example design & stress of a section of a large commercial jet, or part of a satellite,wind turbine, car or ship
3. Own Engineering and Innovation: With many patented designs such as the Micro-attachment System, Composite Rivet etc.
4. Research: For example LoFo (Aeronautics Research), CODAMEIN for EASA
5. Think-tank: Bishophof
Business growth
Through the adaptation and application of the developed over several decades in the aviation industry knowledge, we are currently expanding our service portfolio to the field of renewable energies as well as the automotive industry.